
Ladies and gentlemen, gather round and come fill your baskets!

BOOKS (for all ages), COMIC BOOKS, CDs, VINYLS, DVDs and even BOARD GAMES… You will find your happiness here!

Everything is second hand and you will get your money’s worth!

But beware! At Ramd’Âm, you run the risk of being surprised! Because we offer a unique and out-of-the-ordinary experience…

Ramd’Âm listens to you and allows you to express yourself…

You can also write your opinion of the shop and your experience on the Review Slip “Coup d’Âm”.

At Ramd’Âm, sharing is caring. Enter and enjoy without any fear of judgement!

Rue des Carmes 52 5000 Namur, Belgique

+3281 65 54 34



See also

Cinema Caméo
Chez Sothy
L’Estaminet du Bistro Belgo-Belge