Folklore - Les Alfers namurois

“Les Alfers namurois” is a Belgian folk group of flag throwers and players.

The group was formed over 60 years ago on the joyous occasion of the arrival of King Baudouin I in Namur. Since then, it has kept up the ancient tradition of the Brabant flag game.

Rue de l'Ange 111, 5000 Namur, Belgique

See also

Les Cup’Inn
Folklore - La Royale Moncrabeau / Les Molons
Folklore - Les Echasseurs (The Waders)
Le huis clos - Escapes Games éphémères
Architectural Heritage - Hôtel Gaiffier d’Hestroy
Walks from station to station
Maison des Desserts
Provincial Museum of the Ancient Arts of Namur – Treasure of Oignies (TreM.a)