Walks from station to station


Explore Meuse and VisitNamur invite you to discover the most beautiful landscapes of the region from a train station.

Equipped with your backpack and departing from the station of your choice, take one of the 14 walks carefully designed for you by Explore Meuse.

13 of them are walking routes while one promenade is dedicated to cyclists. Distances vary between 7km and 80km, enough to travel around the region for several days if you feel like it.

In addition to combining the pleasure of walking and gentle mobility, hikes from station to station are an opportunity to let yourself be led and lulled to the rhythm of the passing landscapes. Without forgetting the practical side of the train which allows you to easily return to your original destination.


To discover the routes in Namur and the surrounding area, go to:


See also

Architectural Heritage - Hôtel Gaiffier d’Hestroy
Folklore - La Royale Moncrabeau / Les Molons
Les Cup’Inn
Maison des Desserts
Provincial Museum of the Ancient Arts of Namur – Treasure of Oignies (TreM.a)
Folklore - Les Echasseurs (The Waders)
Folklore - Les Alfers namurois