La Maison de la Poésie

All year round, the Maison de la Poésie offers diverse shows, concerts, conferences, school workshops, and exhibitions…
It also offers a Poetic Documentation Centre to the public, the only one in Wallonia, where over 40,000 documents are available on site from Monday to Friday from 10:00 to 16:00 (preferably by reservation).

In March, many activities are organised as part of the Printemps des Poètes, the Week of the French Language, World Poetry Day, or even the Nuit de la Chanson française.
In June, the International Festival of Poetry allows modern poetry lovers to meet poets from around the world who have come to bring excitement to the city of Namur.
A Poetry Market closes the festival and many professional and amateur editors and authors get together.

See also

Félicien Rops Museum
La Maison du Conte (The House of Stories)
ZannA House
Maison Caracole
Maison Rops